I never intended this blog to be primarily about Gun Control, but the more I write, the more I realize its importance to me, and many people say are learning a lot from my perspectives. So I shall continue to beat this dead horse at anytime I feel it is relevant because of it's importance to all of our individual freedoms. Firstly there are a few things we should go over
The Good
1. Main Stream Talking Head Mark Levin is now suspecting DHS's purchase of 2.1 BILLION rounds of Ammunition as preparation for societal collapse. (When Main Stream Talking heads start talking about this, you have to ask... is there something to it?)
2. Medal of Honor Recipient Declines invitation for the "State of the Union" Address by Obama Administration. (This action speaks for itself, Obama has lost the respect of the Troops.)
3. Missouri Rep, Mike Leara introduced Legislation making it a Felony to introduce legislation that propose gun control measures in any form. (See Bill HB 633 2013). This man needs to be Saluted.
4. Gun Companies are now Refusing to Sell Firearms to Govt's with Strict Gun Laws. (EPIC WIN!)
The Bad
Now, bad to me means simply put, your government not working to benefit you. Being lazy, or inept is Criminal in my eyes when it comes to politicians who are supposed to be the stewards of your welfare, and your financial security. Below are just a FEW items I found in the last week alone. The problem is that these are ONLY a weeks worth of issues, these are happening not only at a more accelerated rate, but the actual issues are seemingly growing to become not only laziness or ineptness, but straight up ethics issues.
In Washington, Senate members are pushing legislation to ban "Assault Weapons" - Bill SB-5737 2013-14
Incrementalism sounds innocent huh? It sounds almost quaint, but it's the slithering snake that sneaks up on you and bites when you least expect it. Those who use this methodology work slowly. They are methodical & calculating. They do their communist roles quietly, under the guise of "Helping" you. Don't be fooled, they want your rights obliterated, and their overall track record of abolishing your individual rights proves it. Don't believe me? Fine, Take a look for yourself...
I never intended this blog to be primarily about Gun Control, but the more I write, the more I realize its importance to me, and many people say are learning a lot from my perspectives. So I shall continue to beat this dead horse at anytime I feel it is relevant because of it's importance to all of our individual freedoms. Firstly there are a few things we should go over
The Good
1. Main Stream Talking Head Mark Levin is now suspecting DHS's purchase of 2.1 BILLION rounds of Ammunition as preparation for societal collapse. (When Main Stream Talking heads start talking about this, you have to ask... is there something to it?)
2. Medal of Honor Recipient Declines invitation for the "State of the Union" Address by Obama Administration. (This action speaks for itself, Obama has lost the respect of the Troops.)
3. Missouri Rep, Mike Leara introduced Legislation making it a Felony to introduce legislation that propose gun control measures in any form. (See Bill HB 633 2013). This man needs to be Saluted.
4. Gun Companies are now Refusing to Sell Firearms to Govt's with Strict Gun Laws. (EPIC WIN!)
- LaRue Tactical
- Olympic Arms, Inc
- Extreme Firepower (EFI, LLC) - See Terms & Conditions of Govt Sales
- Templar Custom
- York Arms
- Cheaper Than Dirt
Don't Tread on Me Flag
The Bad
Now, bad to me means simply put, your government not working to benefit you. Being lazy, or inept is Criminal in my eyes when it comes to politicians who are supposed to be the stewards of your welfare, and your financial security. Below are just a FEW items I found in the last week alone. The problem is that these are ONLY a weeks worth of issues, these are happening not only at a more accelerated rate, but the actual issues are seemingly growing to become not only laziness or ineptness, but straight up ethics issues.
- U.S. Post Office Spending $2+ Million on a meeting in San Francisco (They are bankrupt BTW)
- IRS Tax Fraud, Spending Millions of YOUR tax dollars on Blackberrys and Aircards for themselves.
- Congress goes on Vacation while over 4,000+ jobs are being printed up pink slips.
- Prison Inmates Collecting Unemployment.
- Concord NH, House votes on Free Ski Passes for Lawmakers.
- Baltimore Spends $585,000+ on a study on "How to save Money".
- School excludes Whites from Tutoring Programs. (Return to Segregation?)
- Obama on Second Vacation of his Second Term.
- Politician moves to make vulgar Photoshopping Illegal (Can you say infringement of the 1'st Amendment?)
- Texas CSCOPE Program is teaching your kids Islam and Communism.
Administrator of txcscopereview.com (Janice VanCleave) talking to Info Wars
In Washington, Senate members are pushing legislation to ban "Assault Weapons" - Bill SB-5737 2013-14
- Sponsors of this bill are Ed Murray, Jeanne Kohl-Welles & Adam Kline (All Democrats BTW)
A Visual Example of what Communism does to Nations...
Incrementalism sounds innocent huh? It sounds almost quaint, but it's the slithering snake that sneaks up on you and bites when you least expect it. Those who use this methodology work slowly. They are methodical & calculating. They do their communist roles quietly, under the guise of "Helping" you. Don't be fooled, they want your rights obliterated, and their overall track record of abolishing your individual rights proves it. Don't believe me? Fine, Take a look for yourself...
Using the example above, Murray's sponsorship of SB-5714 2013-14 (Universal Background Checks for Firearms Transfers) so they can track all firearms, this can only lead to confiscation, taxes on the firearms you already own, or outright punitive penalties up to and including demonizing you, your family and anyone that carries firearms. Think it can't happen? Maybe you should see my previous articles spotlighting the interactive map that was posted by the Journal News in NJ. Or, you could read more from News Busters, explaining how the Journal News was Disgraced into taking the Interactive Map down.
Texas Reacted with the best answer to the EPIC NJ Failed Gun Owner Demonization by posting their own "Interactive Map" stating that every red dot on the map was a gun owner. Obviously, the entire map is red, clearly letting other gun grabbers know, they won't put up with this crap. I applaud this and hope you all get a good chuckle out of it. I know I did.
Reshaping America
Most people in America were raised to think that what has being done to American Politics & Society couldn't be done, it was unthinkable just 20 years ago. Incrimentalization, has been taking place for a very long time. Marxist & Socialist frameworks have been put into place, they have been raising your taxes, reducing your personal rights and attempting to make you DEPENDANT on government through unemployment extensions, free health care (Which isn't free, working Americans pay for it) and other social programs.
This is just the beginning of the implementation of their nefarious plan. I and many others see what is happening... the undermining of the foundation, and the very fabric of our nation. I hope you can too now, but if you still need proof, see how your Government is now willing to lay off 800k workers (at least 400k of those will be civilians) instead of facing reality, we have a SPENDING problem, and these Communists will not stop spending, because that would fix the problem. This gives them 800k more people dependant on government, and they want you dependant on the state at all costs.
Mistakes are how we learn. Without mistakes, we would continue to do harm to ourselves. If you burn your hand on a stove burner, you don't put your hand on the stove again, because it hurts. We in America haven't learned this yet. We bail out banks instead of letting them face consequences of corrupt and criminal practices. We bail out companies that made unsound financial deals and we call both of these examples "To Big to Fail".... and still no consequences. They never got their hand burned, just a slap on the wrist and then back to "Business as Usual". No one went to jail for corruption, no one learned a damned thing. So, we, as a nation just keep getting burned. We just keep rolling further and further towards that point of no return where no one can, or will, help us.
Think about it for a minute, we all have a family member or friend who just spends to much and always asks for handouts. I call it a handout because we know damned well they won't pay it back. Every time you help them by giving them money, they just waste it. They say "Oh I have to pay rent", or "Oh I need gas to get to work (If they even have a job), and then they go spend it on something else. They just do whatever they want because they know they can just keep coming back and getting more. It isn't until YOU shut them down and say NO that they learn. It isn't until they understand that there isn't an unlimited amount of empathy within you that they begin to understand what personal responsibility is. Think I am wrong? Wait until California falls off the cliff and watch other states do when they refuse to pay for the lifestyle choices of those citizens. If you think Conservative states will allow themselves be brought down by the liberal petri dish we call California, you got another thing coming.

Texas Reaction to NJ Interactive Map
Texas Reacted with the best answer to the EPIC NJ Failed Gun Owner Demonization by posting their own "Interactive Map" stating that every red dot on the map was a gun owner. Obviously, the entire map is red, clearly letting other gun grabbers know, they won't put up with this crap. I applaud this and hope you all get a good chuckle out of it. I know I did.
Reshaping America
Most people in America were raised to think that what has being done to American Politics & Society couldn't be done, it was unthinkable just 20 years ago. Incrimentalization, has been taking place for a very long time. Marxist & Socialist frameworks have been put into place, they have been raising your taxes, reducing your personal rights and attempting to make you DEPENDANT on government through unemployment extensions, free health care (Which isn't free, working Americans pay for it) and other social programs.
This is just the beginning of the implementation of their nefarious plan. I and many others see what is happening... the undermining of the foundation, and the very fabric of our nation. I hope you can too now, but if you still need proof, see how your Government is now willing to lay off 800k workers (at least 400k of those will be civilians) instead of facing reality, we have a SPENDING problem, and these Communists will not stop spending, because that would fix the problem. This gives them 800k more people dependant on government, and they want you dependant on the state at all costs.
Obama Announces 800k Layoffs Planned
Mistakes are how we learn. Without mistakes, we would continue to do harm to ourselves. If you burn your hand on a stove burner, you don't put your hand on the stove again, because it hurts. We in America haven't learned this yet. We bail out banks instead of letting them face consequences of corrupt and criminal practices. We bail out companies that made unsound financial deals and we call both of these examples "To Big to Fail".... and still no consequences. They never got their hand burned, just a slap on the wrist and then back to "Business as Usual". No one went to jail for corruption, no one learned a damned thing. So, we, as a nation just keep getting burned. We just keep rolling further and further towards that point of no return where no one can, or will, help us.
"Anyone that has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein
Think about it for a minute, we all have a family member or friend who just spends to much and always asks for handouts. I call it a handout because we know damned well they won't pay it back. Every time you help them by giving them money, they just waste it. They say "Oh I have to pay rent", or "Oh I need gas to get to work (If they even have a job), and then they go spend it on something else. They just do whatever they want because they know they can just keep coming back and getting more. It isn't until YOU shut them down and say NO that they learn. It isn't until they understand that there isn't an unlimited amount of empathy within you that they begin to understand what personal responsibility is. Think I am wrong? Wait until California falls off the cliff and watch other states do when they refuse to pay for the lifestyle choices of those citizens. If you think Conservative states will allow themselves be brought down by the liberal petri dish we call California, you got another thing coming.
Your nation is fraying at the edges. Waco and Ruby Ridge were just precursors. The Oklahoma City Bombing was the Culmination of the villainization of the Far Right (Of which many were staunch racists, of which I don't agree with, but many were liberty minded, freedom loving Americans like you and I.) I don't condone bombing of innocents, but those who work in Government must realize, if they keep pushing, certain groups or individuals may just push back, and it doesn't have to be violence, it could simply be something like.... Gun Manufacturers stopping the sale of Firearms to City, State and Federal Governments.
The liberals in your life think differently than you or I. They are bleeding hearts that feel they have no other option but to play the socialist games and push communist ideals to accomplish thier goals. Embrace these people, show them that socialism doesn't work. Be kind enough to ARGUE your point in a clear and concise way so they take something away from the conversation other than hatred or the idea that you are a basket case. Breaking the mold of "Gun Nut" means showing that you are articulate, helpful and calm. It goes a lot farther than threatening to start a civil war every time something doesn't go your way.
As I begin to close this article, I want to focus on the most disturbing thing I have seen not only this last few weeks, but in quite some time. This was Mr Biden's recent statement clearly stating that he is relying on "Legitimate Media" for a successful gun control effort. Why is this disturbing? Let me explain why...
By calling certain agencies "Legitimate" he flags other media sources as "Illegitimate". This implies that their stories, articles and other information is somehow invalid, which is a blatantly untrue, and I would even say dangerous. In fact, the blogosphere has been the outlet that has given us the heads up we as a citizenry have needed for a long time. Bradley Manning (A Whistleblower) is just One Example. He is currently imprisoned by the American "Authorities" for passing Classified Materials that he thought needed to be shared with the world to Wikleaks, an organization that takes pride in releasing classified materials to put egg on governments faces. Funny considering that Obama promised to protect such whistleblowers in 2008-2009.
I leave you with an excerpt from a novel. It is a statement you should think on, and dissect, because it's so simple, you have to wonder why this is seemingly overlooked by those that you call public servants...
Satirical Illustration of how the Socialist Brain Works
As I begin to close this article, I want to focus on the most disturbing thing I have seen not only this last few weeks, but in quite some time. This was Mr Biden's recent statement clearly stating that he is relying on "Legitimate Media" for a successful gun control effort. Why is this disturbing? Let me explain why...
By calling certain agencies "Legitimate" he flags other media sources as "Illegitimate". This implies that their stories, articles and other information is somehow invalid, which is a blatantly untrue, and I would even say dangerous. In fact, the blogosphere has been the outlet that has given us the heads up we as a citizenry have needed for a long time. Bradley Manning (A Whistleblower) is just One Example. He is currently imprisoned by the American "Authorities" for passing Classified Materials that he thought needed to be shared with the world to Wikleaks, an organization that takes pride in releasing classified materials to put egg on governments faces. Funny considering that Obama promised to protect such whistleblowers in 2008-2009.
I leave you with an excerpt from a novel. It is a statement you should think on, and dissect, because it's so simple, you have to wonder why this is seemingly overlooked by those that you call public servants...
From The Wayward Welfare State (1981) by Roger A. Freeman, p. 286
As I close this article, I will leave you with a question, instead of a quote. That question is, "Are you prepared to be an Outlaw if they ban your guns?". It's a question that in recent months has been on the minds of America's most staunch supporters of the Second Amendment, and it's one they don't take lightly, and neither should you.
Thanks for reading, I hope you took something from my material and viewpoints. Keep checking in.
Audio to this Article can be found here:
"Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism" - Thomas Jefferson
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