Firstly, I want to take a few moments to thank everyone that has helped to get my opinions out to others they know. Waking up your friends, family and others you care for is of vital importance in today's society.
A few points I want to touch on are some news stories I have seen lately...
1. $216 Billion in additional Federal Regulations Issued in 2012 (Liability)
2. New Pay Per Mile Scheme (250% tax increase on you)
3. Obama Threatens Social Security Payments (Coercion)
4. Threatening Citizens with Arrest for not reporting Private Gun Sales (Coercion)
5. N.Y. Gun Laws Being Put Into Place Currently (Rushed Legislation based on Emotion not fact)
6. Congressman Threatening to Impeach Obama if he uses Executive Action on Gun Control (Rep Steve Stockman) (The Honorable thing to do)
1 through 5 are systemic and repetitive issues stemming from Liberals who don't understand the basic tenant that the money they feel 'Entitiled' to, they only get when other people work for it, or feel they are gaining from their own labor and creativity. The problem here is simple, you work, and they steal. Socialism is legalized theft from hard working people, period. Anyone who disagrees with that should stop reading my work, and go learn what the word theft means.

Number 6 is different. Number 6 is the glimmer of hope America needs. Our nation is being steamrolled by this liberal, socialist & collectivist beast called the 'Federal Govt' and it almost seems like no one has the backbone to stand up and say "NO". The few states that do are few and far between. Utah, Texas, Wyoming, Missouri and handful of others that are preparing to, or have already passed laws protecting your gun rights. You should be up to date with where your state stands on Gun Control NOW. If your Governor has no position, or no comment, then your Governor is the Problem. Make them give you an answer, or make it clear to them, you can read between the lines.
How to you get Liberals to understand?
You don't. Liberals are reliant on a system that gives them free stuff and extreme power. Health care, Paychecks & other entitlements are only the start. They work less and less and get more and more. They are dependant on the state, and will do whatever the "Head Socialist in Charge" says or hands to them on a silver platter.
There is a solution to this, sign up for every single benefit you can and encourage your friends to do the same. Now, you are probably thinking "Yup, I'm positive you're crazy now.". I encourage you to listen to my reasoning for this. Once they run out of YOUR money, and ONLY when they run out of YOUR money will they realize... that this money comes from somewhere. Until they come to this realization, they will not understand that socialism does not work. Bankrupt them, and put them out of power, or make them force taxes so high, people simply revolt and then they are out of power anyways. Either way, it fixes itself in the end.

"The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money" - Margaret Thatcher.
Even now, Governors, even in prominently renowned Conservative states are succumbing to (Or just plain selling you out) for Federal Funding. Yeah I'm talking about you Jan Brewer for expanding health care and giving entitlements to even more citizens expanding the liberal base in your proud Conservative state. You need to understand, the Socialist's in power understand that the power of the addictive substance called "Money" can manipulate and encourage people, cities and states to do whatever they want.
They offer this drug in the hopes of getting states addicted to it, needing it desperately to survive or else civil unrest causes the leaders in charge to lose office during the next election. They infuse Billions of this lethal drug, then threaten to take those funds away when they need political leverage on ANY City, State or Organization that doesn't tow the line. Herein 'Cohersion'.
Now Corporations Begin Bowing Down to Executive Order Threats...
Last week we saw reports of Wal-Mart Forbidding Managers from ordering any more ammunition, directly impeding your ability to attain ammunition, your only means of protecting your person, your family or your home in a violent situation. Confirmation of this is still pending, but we also see a parallel campaign from good old Wal-Mart stating how they plan to "Hire More Veterans, & Buy More American Products Over the Next Decade". This my friends is a diversionary tactic in my opinion. See what I think Wal-Mart is doing is called "Slight of Hand".

Contact Wal-Mart Media Relations @1-800-WAL-MART or go to their Twitter Page (@WalmartNewsroom) and let them know how you feel if you want to retain your right to bear arms.
Wal-Mart is walking on thin ice here and they know it. The threats of executive orders by the fascists in office currently are swaying judgements within the halls of this corporations board members. Wal-Mart wants to make sure to stay in the good graces of the Govt at all costs. They can't afford to have the Fascists in office begin making regulations that would cost them billions in revenue every year, and their lobbying record with ALEC (The American Legislative Exchange Council) proves they are aware of this reality.
In the meantime, to protect their interests (returning customers) they started a campaign to hire vets and buy more American products over the next 10 years. They do this for one reason... to give you the impression they are somehow patriotic, and so they can ask "how dare you question their intentions?!". This is a simple CYA tactics. If the decision to stop buying ammunition goes bad, and customers go elsewhere, they can simply fall back on plan B of claiming they are going to hire more veterans and reduce the loss of what is left of their customer base. All of this is a detestable act of cowardice to the powers that be in the white house.
The one thing they aren't counting on is that the "Good Ol' Boys" that shop at Wal-Mart despise cowards, and they won't take this well. I should know, I was raised in the backwoods of Missouri. And despite my differences, I agree with them on this perceived cowardice.
Wal-Mart executives, I have a question for you... "What if Veterans Tell you to go to hell?". What if instead, Veterans (Who markedly understand what is going on) decide to not only to apply at another business, but also decide to buy their products elsewhere because of your spineless board room attempts to undermine everything that America stands for? Yeah, that decision could backfire with massive repercussions, and none of them positive for your profit margins. Do you hear that sound? It's the sound of customers feet walking away, never to return.
How to we turn the tide of Liberalism?
There is a massive difference between Hard Line Liberals and new or young Democrats, and you MUST know the difference. Liberals are collectivists, statists and have socialist goals, They hide their communist desires or ideologies behind current party lines, mostly, but not isolated to, the Democratic Party. They rely on control by the state to accomplish their goals.
Most new and young Democrats are by in large Americans like you and I. They are "Bleeding Hearts" and mean well and want the best for everyone. But these fledgling ideologists don't know how to accomplish their goals without the power of Liberals currently in office. These Democrats fall into the Liberal trap of free handouts, socialism & collectivist theories, and they simply "go with the flow" because it's the only way they feel they can get anything done. This is due to Republicans being in power for so long. These Republicans are often unwilling to discuss anything in most cases, which is a blessing and a curse dependant on the situation. They feel they are beating their heads against the wall and go even deeper into the Communist Ideas and theories to accomplish their goals when debate doesn't happen. Think of it as the Oak Tree Vs the Palm Tree in a hurricane theory. You as free thinker must understand this if we want to stem the tide of liberalism.

Winston Churchill explained this easily with his quote about Liberalism - "If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart, and if you're not a conservative at 40, you have no head.". Excluding tact, it is extremely accurate. We as Independents and Republicans must be able to open dialogue with these susceptible Democrats who have been led astray by the Serpent called Liberalism, or else we have failed before we have begun. Focus on the problem, find a solution and fix the problem without resorting to collectivist tactics and you would be surprised how fast you can make that Democrat into an Independent or even a Republican once they see that they don't have to rely on Socialist tactics to achieve their goals.
Can Democrats be Pro-Gun?
Many of the Democrats I spoke of earlier are Pro-Gun, and the Extreme right views in the press today alienate these people and we as a society can not turn this tide of liberalism until this is addressed. We need to get everyone to stop "taking sides" (Democrat & Republican) and start thinking and speaking for themselves and to hell with party lines. This is called "Doing what is right for America". The Democrats I spoke of earlier feel, marginalized, alienated and alone, and they are angry. Liberals give them a soap box, while the republicans elbow them into partisan tactics, rather than taking the time to explain themselves, and why Capitalism works better than Socialism.
These susceptible Democrats have served in your military, they are your police, fire and public servants in many cases. They are in your family and social circles and they just need a little nudge to understand and put the puzzle pieces together and see the Communist tactics for what they truly are. They need someone to explain to them what is going on and give them an outlet to discuss things, because "Hard line" card carrying "Republicans" refuse to budge on anything anymore. That's where Independents need to focus, and Republicans need to change tactics.
Tyranny and oppression is our biggest fear right now for conservatives. And below is a conversation I had with a Democrat I know the other day. During the course of my interactions with him, he claimed it was OK for the Govt to do "Forced Buybacks" on firearms, because as he put it "they pay you". I asked him 2 questions...
1. Can I explain what a Capitalism is?
Q - I told him I would give him $5 to buy his coat (It was cold outside)
A - He said no way!
Q - I asked how much he would sell it for then?
A - He said no Amount, and after some haggling, he finally settled on $100.
This tells you that anything can be purchased for a price, and he felt that taking the risk of catching a cold or other illness was worth $100 to him.
I then I explained extortion to him...
2. Can I explain what Extortion is?
Q - I told him I would give him $5 for the same coat as we talked about previously.
A - He said no way! (Again)
Q - I then TOLD him to give me the coat for $5 or I would fine him or put him in prison for 10 years and take the coat anyways.
A - He stated that wasn't fair.
I said "Exactly!!!". My point had been made. He then started to understand what Gun Enthusiasts are so angry about, and all it took was a short explanation of what was really happening. Forced Govt buyback programs like what Diane Feinstein has openly desired for years, so she can disarm you, will be under coercive measures that are Tyrannical and unfair and will embody the "Extortion" method I explained in my second question to this young man I talked to above. If these draconian plans are implemented you will NOT receive fair compensation for your firearms, because your safety was given up in the process. And the question that should be asking now are... "after they take your guns, what comes next?", Your car? Your Home? Where do YOU draw the line? I draw mine at firearms, and I hope you feel the same way.
History tells us that Liberals will simply pass Executive Orders on Guns if they don't have the support needed to pass such laws. This is why it's so vitally important to explain Tyranny & Extortion to "Susceptible Democrats" within your social circles that WILL listen to you, but you must come across as rational. If you go off like Alex Jones did on Piers Morgan you will do more to harm pro-gun positions all across this nation. The liberal media will lambaste you and your cause before you even have a chance to get a word in edgewise. We as gun owners can not expand our numbers, or sway public opinion by acting like this. Please use the method I used above, not Alex Jones' method.

Remember what I said in my previous articles, the Liberal advance upon us is silent, multi pronged and 2 faced, like a hydra attacking from the shadows. They attack from multiple areas, financial, political, media & social. They know how to manipulate things until they get what they want. They don't care how you feel, they have agendas and will continue their march on your freedoms until you have nothing left and you are a slave.
They want your guns, and recently the Journal News Editor in Chiefs Husband even proved this by stating he wants to "Get them (YOU) back down to one bullet magazines." The same Journal news that put up the map of every gun owner in NJ, and by doing so put those families in danger. You can see this in "James O'Keefe's" video over at Project Veritas. They go from home to home of Journal News Employees trying to get these hypocritical, opportunistic & bigoted jerks to put signs stating that their home was proudly gun free. Guess how many declined? All of them... Interesting huh? This is a witch hunt, and their lack to the strength to their convictions proves it. This isn't about gun control, it's just about control.
These communists want your freedom and your liberties obliterated, guns are just an obstacle to them. They lack the strength of their convictions when it comes to having the same done to them. They manipulate people & organizations to get what they want from them. Organizations like the Journal News are just one in a long line of brown nosing, suck ups that do whatever they can to get attention, and prove they will do whatever the current paradigm tells them to do. Don't let them win the fight against your freedoms. Hold them all accountable.
"A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody, ought not be trusted by anybody." -Thomas Paine
Audio Here: http://mad-yet.blogspot.com/2013/01/audio-from-episode-5-turning-tide-of.html

Return Home
Firstly, I want to take a few moments to thank everyone that has helped to get my opinions out to others they know. Waking up your friends, family and others you care for is of vital importance in today's society.
A few points I want to touch on are some news stories I have seen lately...
1. $216 Billion in additional Federal Regulations Issued in 2012 (Liability)
2. New Pay Per Mile Scheme (250% tax increase on you)
3. Obama Threatens Social Security Payments (Coercion)
4. Threatening Citizens with Arrest for not reporting Private Gun Sales (Coercion)
5. N.Y. Gun Laws Being Put Into Place Currently (Rushed Legislation based on Emotion not fact)
6. Congressman Threatening to Impeach Obama if he uses Executive Action on Gun Control (Rep Steve Stockman) (The Honorable thing to do)
1 through 5 are systemic and repetitive issues stemming from Liberals who don't understand the basic tenant that the money they feel 'Entitiled' to, they only get when other people work for it, or feel they are gaining from their own labor and creativity. The problem here is simple, you work, and they steal. Socialism is legalized theft from hard working people, period. Anyone who disagrees with that should stop reading my work, and go learn what the word theft means.

Number 6 is different. Number 6 is the glimmer of hope America needs. Our nation is being steamrolled by this liberal, socialist & collectivist beast called the 'Federal Govt' and it almost seems like no one has the backbone to stand up and say "NO". The few states that do are few and far between. Utah, Texas, Wyoming, Missouri and handful of others that are preparing to, or have already passed laws protecting your gun rights. You should be up to date with where your state stands on Gun Control NOW. If your Governor has no position, or no comment, then your Governor is the Problem. Make them give you an answer, or make it clear to them, you can read between the lines.
How to you get Liberals to understand?
You don't. Liberals are reliant on a system that gives them free stuff and extreme power. Health care, Paychecks & other entitlements are only the start. They work less and less and get more and more. They are dependant on the state, and will do whatever the "Head Socialist in Charge" says or hands to them on a silver platter.
There is a solution to this, sign up for every single benefit you can and encourage your friends to do the same. Now, you are probably thinking "Yup, I'm positive you're crazy now.". I encourage you to listen to my reasoning for this. Once they run out of YOUR money, and ONLY when they run out of YOUR money will they realize... that this money comes from somewhere. Until they come to this realization, they will not understand that socialism does not work. Bankrupt them, and put them out of power, or make them force taxes so high, people simply revolt and then they are out of power anyways. Either way, it fixes itself in the end.

"The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money" - Margaret Thatcher.
Even now, Governors, even in prominently renowned Conservative states are succumbing to (Or just plain selling you out) for Federal Funding. Yeah I'm talking about you Jan Brewer for expanding health care and giving entitlements to even more citizens expanding the liberal base in your proud Conservative state. You need to understand, the Socialist's in power understand that the power of the addictive substance called "Money" can manipulate and encourage people, cities and states to do whatever they want.
They offer this drug in the hopes of getting states addicted to it, needing it desperately to survive or else civil unrest causes the leaders in charge to lose office during the next election. They infuse Billions of this lethal drug, then threaten to take those funds away when they need political leverage on ANY City, State or Organization that doesn't tow the line. Herein 'Cohersion'.
Now Corporations Begin Bowing Down to Executive Order Threats...
Last week we saw reports of Wal-Mart Forbidding Managers from ordering any more ammunition, directly impeding your ability to attain ammunition, your only means of protecting your person, your family or your home in a violent situation. Confirmation of this is still pending, but we also see a parallel campaign from good old Wal-Mart stating how they plan to "Hire More Veterans, & Buy More American Products Over the Next Decade". This my friends is a diversionary tactic in my opinion. See what I think Wal-Mart is doing is called "Slight of Hand".

Contact Wal-Mart Media Relations @1-800-WAL-MART or go to their Twitter Page (@WalmartNewsroom) and let them know how you feel if you want to retain your right to bear arms.
Wal-Mart is walking on thin ice here and they know it. The threats of executive orders by the fascists in office currently are swaying judgements within the halls of this corporations board members. Wal-Mart wants to make sure to stay in the good graces of the Govt at all costs. They can't afford to have the Fascists in office begin making regulations that would cost them billions in revenue every year, and their lobbying record with ALEC (The American Legislative Exchange Council) proves they are aware of this reality.
In the meantime, to protect their interests (returning customers) they started a campaign to hire vets and buy more American products over the next 10 years. They do this for one reason... to give you the impression they are somehow patriotic, and so they can ask "how dare you question their intentions?!". This is a simple CYA tactics. If the decision to stop buying ammunition goes bad, and customers go elsewhere, they can simply fall back on plan B of claiming they are going to hire more veterans and reduce the loss of what is left of their customer base. All of this is a detestable act of cowardice to the powers that be in the white house.
The one thing they aren't counting on is that the "Good Ol' Boys" that shop at Wal-Mart despise cowards, and they won't take this well. I should know, I was raised in the backwoods of Missouri. And despite my differences, I agree with them on this perceived cowardice.
Wal-Mart executives, I have a question for you... "What if Veterans Tell you to go to hell?". What if instead, Veterans (Who markedly understand what is going on) decide to not only to apply at another business, but also decide to buy their products elsewhere because of your spineless board room attempts to undermine everything that America stands for? Yeah, that decision could backfire with massive repercussions, and none of them positive for your profit margins. Do you hear that sound? It's the sound of customers feet walking away, never to return.
How to we turn the tide of Liberalism?
There is a massive difference between Hard Line Liberals and new or young Democrats, and you MUST know the difference. Liberals are collectivists, statists and have socialist goals, They hide their communist desires or ideologies behind current party lines, mostly, but not isolated to, the Democratic Party. They rely on control by the state to accomplish their goals.
Most new and young Democrats are by in large Americans like you and I. They are "Bleeding Hearts" and mean well and want the best for everyone. But these fledgling ideologists don't know how to accomplish their goals without the power of Liberals currently in office. These Democrats fall into the Liberal trap of free handouts, socialism & collectivist theories, and they simply "go with the flow" because it's the only way they feel they can get anything done. This is due to Republicans being in power for so long. These Republicans are often unwilling to discuss anything in most cases, which is a blessing and a curse dependant on the situation. They feel they are beating their heads against the wall and go even deeper into the Communist Ideas and theories to accomplish their goals when debate doesn't happen. Think of it as the Oak Tree Vs the Palm Tree in a hurricane theory. You as free thinker must understand this if we want to stem the tide of liberalism.

Winston Churchill explained this easily with his quote about Liberalism - "If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart, and if you're not a conservative at 40, you have no head.". Excluding tact, it is extremely accurate. We as Independents and Republicans must be able to open dialogue with these susceptible Democrats who have been led astray by the Serpent called Liberalism, or else we have failed before we have begun. Focus on the problem, find a solution and fix the problem without resorting to collectivist tactics and you would be surprised how fast you can make that Democrat into an Independent or even a Republican once they see that they don't have to rely on Socialist tactics to achieve their goals.
Can Democrats be Pro-Gun?
Many of the Democrats I spoke of earlier are Pro-Gun, and the Extreme right views in the press today alienate these people and we as a society can not turn this tide of liberalism until this is addressed. We need to get everyone to stop "taking sides" (Democrat & Republican) and start thinking and speaking for themselves and to hell with party lines. This is called "Doing what is right for America". The Democrats I spoke of earlier feel, marginalized, alienated and alone, and they are angry. Liberals give them a soap box, while the republicans elbow them into partisan tactics, rather than taking the time to explain themselves, and why Capitalism works better than Socialism.
These susceptible Democrats have served in your military, they are your police, fire and public servants in many cases. They are in your family and social circles and they just need a little nudge to understand and put the puzzle pieces together and see the Communist tactics for what they truly are. They need someone to explain to them what is going on and give them an outlet to discuss things, because "Hard line" card carrying "Republicans" refuse to budge on anything anymore. That's where Independents need to focus, and Republicans need to change tactics.
Tyranny and oppression is our biggest fear right now for conservatives. And below is a conversation I had with a Democrat I know the other day. During the course of my interactions with him, he claimed it was OK for the Govt to do "Forced Buybacks" on firearms, because as he put it "they pay you". I asked him 2 questions...
1. Can I explain what a Capitalism is?
Q - I told him I would give him $5 to buy his coat (It was cold outside)
A - He said no way!
Q - I asked how much he would sell it for then?
A - He said no Amount, and after some haggling, he finally settled on $100.
This tells you that anything can be purchased for a price, and he felt that taking the risk of catching a cold or other illness was worth $100 to him.
I then I explained extortion to him...
2. Can I explain what Extortion is?
Q - I told him I would give him $5 for the same coat as we talked about previously.
A - He said no way! (Again)
Q - I then TOLD him to give me the coat for $5 or I would fine him or put him in prison for 10 years and take the coat anyways.
A - He stated that wasn't fair.
I said "Exactly!!!". My point had been made. He then started to understand what Gun Enthusiasts are so angry about, and all it took was a short explanation of what was really happening. Forced Govt buyback programs like what Diane Feinstein has openly desired for years, so she can disarm you, will be under coercive measures that are Tyrannical and unfair and will embody the "Extortion" method I explained in my second question to this young man I talked to above. If these draconian plans are implemented you will NOT receive fair compensation for your firearms, because your safety was given up in the process. And the question that should be asking now are... "after they take your guns, what comes next?", Your car? Your Home? Where do YOU draw the line? I draw mine at firearms, and I hope you feel the same way.
History tells us that Liberals will simply pass Executive Orders on Guns if they don't have the support needed to pass such laws. This is why it's so vitally important to explain Tyranny & Extortion to "Susceptible Democrats" within your social circles that WILL listen to you, but you must come across as rational. If you go off like Alex Jones did on Piers Morgan you will do more to harm pro-gun positions all across this nation. The liberal media will lambaste you and your cause before you even have a chance to get a word in edgewise. We as gun owners can not expand our numbers, or sway public opinion by acting like this. Please use the method I used above, not Alex Jones' method.

Remember what I said in my previous articles, the Liberal advance upon us is silent, multi pronged and 2 faced, like a hydra attacking from the shadows. They attack from multiple areas, financial, political, media & social. They know how to manipulate things until they get what they want. They don't care how you feel, they have agendas and will continue their march on your freedoms until you have nothing left and you are a slave.
They want your guns, and recently the Journal News Editor in Chiefs Husband even proved this by stating he wants to "Get them (YOU) back down to one bullet magazines." The same Journal news that put up the map of every gun owner in NJ, and by doing so put those families in danger. You can see this in "James O'Keefe's" video over at Project Veritas. They go from home to home of Journal News Employees trying to get these hypocritical, opportunistic & bigoted jerks to put signs stating that their home was proudly gun free. Guess how many declined? All of them... Interesting huh? This is a witch hunt, and their lack to the strength to their convictions proves it. This isn't about gun control, it's just about control.
These communists want your freedom and your liberties obliterated, guns are just an obstacle to them. They lack the strength of their convictions when it comes to having the same done to them. They manipulate people & organizations to get what they want from them. Organizations like the Journal News are just one in a long line of brown nosing, suck ups that do whatever they can to get attention, and prove they will do whatever the current paradigm tells them to do. Don't let them win the fight against your freedoms. Hold them all accountable.
"A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody, ought not be trusted by anybody." -Thomas Paine
Audio Here: http://mad-yet.blogspot.com/2013/01/audio-from-episode-5-turning-tide-of.html

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"Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism" - Thomas Jefferson
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