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Oct 3, 2013

Obama Tells Vets No Memorial, Opens Muslim Museum

Posted by: Brandon Walker Posted date: October 03, 2013 In: Economics, News


Nero fiddled while Rome Burned. Obama just opens his pocket books. Not days after forcing the government to shut down, kicking World War II Veterans out of their own Memorial that doesn’t cost money to run, and calling anyone that doesn’t want Obamacare a terrorist, our dear leader has decided to use his government check to open an international museum for Muslims?

While the pentagon lays off 400,000 people, and the government furloughs a total of roughly 800,000 people because President Obama will not allow the government to be funded without his signature legislation nightmare called Obamacare, he lines up for yet another press conference. In that press conference he doesn’t talk about jobs, or the people he just laid off. He doesn’t talk about the fact that millions of VA cases that he has yet to process are now in the dust bins waiting on the government to be funded. He doesn’t talk about the thousands if not millions of Social Security people waiting to retire or their cases heard as they inform the public that they can’t even fix the paperwork due to the government shutdown. He did say that he was using his own personal money to fund the International Muslim Museum.

National Report records the words of President Obama at that press conference:

During this shutdown, people will have to deal with some of their favorite parks and museums being closed,” Obama told reporters. “Just keep in mind, they will always be there. The Grand Canyon and the Smithsonian are not going anywhere.” Obama continued, “The International Museum of Muslim Cultures is sacred. That is why I have taken it upon myself to use my own personal funds to re-open this historic piece of American culture.” – See more at:

So the Grand Canyon that doesn’t take money to run, the national treasures of the Smithsonian, the free to operate World War II memorial, and our national parks are not going anywhere, but the International Museum of Muslim Culture is sacred and needs to be kept open? Folks these are not my words, they are President Obama’s words.


This is the International Museum of Muslim Culture. It closed its doors along with the State and National parks and museums that receive funding from the government for operating expenses on Tuesday. There have been more then four proposals by the Republican led House of Representatives to get the fiscal budget back on track, but the Senate has yet to show up for one proposal or to negotiate. The bill that is holding everything up would have funded every government function except the government interference in our health care known as the nightmare “Obamacare” that even they say is flawed.

The president continued:

The Muslim community deserves our full acceptance and respect,” Obama said. “We have killed millions of Muslims overseas since the September 11th attacks. They are not all bad. In fact most of them are good. So during this shutdown, now is a great time to learn about the faith of Islam. I encourage all of you to celebrate the Muslim community, the ‘Sunnah’ and the magic of the ‘Quran’. All of this can be found at the newly re-opened International Museum of Muslim Cultures.” – See more at:

The president did make one statement that is correct, Radical Islam has been a part of America’s culture for centuries. Our Navy and Marines, many that are on that World War II memorial, were founded on fighting Radical Islam. Many of American’s shed their blood fighting Radical Islam during the Barbary Wars, WWI, WWII, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  It is indeed a part of our history, but not in the positive light he sheds upon it.

A known member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization, Khaled Matei, told CNN he was very pleased with this from our President:

I spoke with President Obama by telephone yesterday and personally thanked him for what he is doing for the Muslim community,” Matei said. “This is definitely a step in the right direction I explained to him. Praise Allah.” –

Obama finished his press conference with a personal slam to the Tea Party:

Folks, this is a time to focus on things that are important to us in America. Sure, we would all like to see the government open, it just is not that simple. What is simple is me funding the International Museum of Muslim Cultures so that it can stay open during this horrible time in our nation’s history, all thanks to the echo chamber which is called the Tea Party.” 

Let us not forget that it is not the House of Representatives that refuse to negotiate. It is not the Tea Party that refuses to negotiate. It is not the Libertarians that refuse to negotiate. It is not the American Republic that refuses to negotiate. The government shutdown occurred because President Barrack Obama and Senator Harry Reid (D NV) refuse to negotiate or even talk about delaying Obamacare after granting thousands of wavers to Unions, Big Business, and themselves, but not the American People. They still refuse to come to the table like adults.

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