Precious Metals Charts

Jan 11, 2013

Personal Finance, Obligations & YOUR Freedom


    As my previous article focused on many things, this time I wanted to focus on something other than gun control... but before I end this article I will spotlight a few points just because I think it is so vitally important to shine a light on cockroaches in Govt that are acting in a Treasonous manner, namley the Iowa state Rep Dan Muhlbauer who wants to confiscate your guns.

Treasonous Iowa State Senator: Dan Muhlbauer (Anti-Gun liberal who wants to confiscate your guns)

If you read my last article, or heard my last video and you did as I asked, you pulled out your personal finances and you took a good hard look at them. I would imagine that many of you were unhappy with what you saw. You don't like looking at your personal finances because it's always bad news. You work your ass off, putting in hour after hour, day after day of backbreaking work, doing everything "right" and yet, you are never quite able to get ahead. Your savings (If you have any) is meager at best.

You're not going to like what I have to say next, but I urge you to hear my blistering words. Listen to me very closely... it's your own fault. Yes, YOU made the decisions to do what you did with your finances. You took out car loans, school loans, many of you even got computers or other electronics on credit. You got credit cards from your bank, your favorite stores, hell, even calling cards on credit. The whole while you went into DEBT deeper and deeper. You dug a hole so deep you can't even see daylight anymore, and you don't care anymore because you know someday you'll just have to claim bankruptcy.

Ask yourself "why is bankruptcy an option"? Simple, because your parents did it, your friends did it, and now YOU think it's OK to do the same thing. It's been indoctrinated upon you and all of America that it's OK to just ignore our Obligations. Let me tell you, it is NOT, and the rest of the world is watching. They watch and have less and less faith that we that we can pay them back the guaranteed bond rates we so quickly promise every time we need a loan to pay off the previous years federal deficit.

Year after year we keep borrowing, and year after year our economy suffers from it because they are digging the same hole you dug yourself into. There is one huge difference, the Govt has a printing press & you do not. They inflate prices and devalue your currency farther and farther every single day. They simply raise your taxes whenever they want to because they know the domesticated livestock they call citizens, will simply do as they are told.

The rest of the world is wise to our tricks. These countries are about to pull the rug out from underneath our economy. Hell China & Russia even have a pact to buy and sell gold for oil now. They don't want the U.S. Dollar to be the reserve currency anymore. They know our money is worthless and the idea is spreading, but we can't invade them like Lybia or Iraq because they would nuke us off the face of the planet if we tried.

5 Things you can do RIGHT NOW!

1. Start living beneath your means, Get rid of the non essentials.

2. Never take out another loan except a mortgage for the rest of your life

3. Cut up every credit card you have in your possession right now (Pause me, I will wait for you to return)

4. Always put something into savings every pay period.

5. STOP blaming businesses for not having jobs, instead start thinking of how you can work for yourself & CREATE jobs for others. Be proactive, not a victim of this fascist regime.

Now, I know, you're probably thinking about these 5 rules and are saying to yourself "Wow, this guy's off his rocker!". I understand, I was there just years ago, I urge you to keep moving forward and continue absorbing what I have to say next...

Something you should know

Here's a personal tidbit of knowledge... It took me 14 months to become financially free. One day I had enough, I threw every bit of my financial data, bills, checking statements & reciepts on the floor, I grabbed some food then locked myself in a room for hours solving the labrynth that is personal finance. When I came out of that room I began seeing the world in a completely different way.

I was spending $420+ a year on batteries (If you have children you will understand), I was spending $7 a day on coffee, Hundreds a month on cell phone service, I was taking multiple trips to the store when 1 every 2 weeks or even 1 a month would have saved me nearly a tank of gas a month. I was using the highest priced cable, Internet & phone companies. I was using the more expensive water company, trash collection service etc, etc, etc. I was making nearly 60K a year and didn't have a dime in savings. All because my parents never taught me any different, because their parents never taught them any different.

Think about it, the govt wants to tell your kids how bad guns are, how to stop bullying and even how to have safe sex, but God forbid you start shedding any light on personal finance and fiscal sanity. No, that would ruin their agenda and show you the hypocrisy in Govt. You must pay your bills, but they don't have to pay theirs. They can just raise the Debt Limit. The entire time they keep borrowing their way into a hole they can't get out of, knowing they can just increase YOUR taxes. Sounds like you're being represented well huh?

Now, Ask yourself WHY people, even like myself make these mistakes. I will tell you why, it's called "ADVERTISING", "MONOPOLIES" & "FACSISM". In these scenarios companies use psychology on unsuspecting citizens, they buy out other companies to reduce risk, or simply remove competition by lobbying to get special deals from your Local, State and Federal Govt that only benefit them. Ever remember seeing those red light camera's? Ask yourself, did YOU benefit from that Orwellian crap. No, you certainly did not. Sounds like a sweet deal for them right?

In many cases around America these types of fascist activities are considered illegal, and people have had them removed because the slow creep of opportunity & greed is blatant to many. To these fascist pigs YOU are merely a source of revenue for the Govt & Companies who are in bed together to sponge money off of the backs of its citizens labor and honest mistakes.

Why does this matter?

If you are still reading, you are probably thinking to yourself that this has nothing to do with my previous articles, YOU'RE DEAD WRONG! The Govt is a beast, and that beast needs to be fed. Companies & Organizations use influential lobbyists to get what they want passed into law to reduce their financial & political risks. As you can see Lobbyists don't benefit society or you personally.

These snakes force small business to shut their doors. They cause decreased wages from medium & larger sized business's with regulations, like forcing pizza stores to buy polo shirts for all employees. Thanks Gov Andrew Como... oh by the way, this is the same Son of a Bitch that is threatening gun confiscation RIGHT NOW. Coincidence? No... this is not a coincidence. This is planned, contrived and sinister. Pay close attention to the people that these snakes surround themselves with. They are the enemy, and they must be on your radar.

How can you change things?

So, you have heard what I have to say and you are now starting to put the pieces together in your head. You now realize some of the 'tin foil hat' people out there have been right all along. They saw it coming, they warned you. The George Orwell's, Bill Coopers & recently Craig B. Hulet have navigated the murky halls of conspiracy and proudly donned the 'tin foil hat' and handed you the reasons why things are the way they are and why they will continue to get worse. Realize this, Mr. Cooper was shot dead by the way, many think to silence him. These men saw things for what they truly were. They screamed so loud that the general public thought they were crazy. Modern Day 'Chicken Little's' that you ignored, marginalized or considered them a nuisance. Now your society, your culture and your country are nearly beyond repair. Or is it?

YOU are your own person. YOU have the ability to take responsibility. They don't want you to know that. The companies, the liberals and the usurpers that slither in the halls of your Government right now want nothing more than for YOU to go back to sleep. They hope you never find out that liberalism is dumbing down America on purpose. They are indoctrinating your children to do as they are told, and not to think on their own. Training them not to ask questions of any kind. No, that would be bad for the Communist's that want your freedoms eradicated in the course of cementing this doctrine right here on YOUR own soil.

Obligations are how they get you. Terms of Service, sign here, click here, agree to this, agree to that. Start reading, start understanding what the word "Contract" means. Why does this matter? Simple, you live in a corporation. Your city is incorporated, business are incorporated and you yourself are a business according to a growing consensus of legal activists. They claim your Social Security Number is merely a way to track your "business" (You) and your earnings or potential. It's an Employee Identification Number. This rabbit hole goes deep, way deep. Deeper than I care to get into here, but it's worth digging into if you want to take the time to do so.

So do I have your attention yet?

Quick review, businesses lobby Govts to get what they want, and reduce competition. Companies and Govts create laws and codes that you are bound to follow because you "Contracted" with them, herein "Obligation". Laws, Codes and Rules that become piles of paperwork miles high. Hell your U.S. Tax Code (also known as the Internal Revenue Code) is approaching or exceeding 74,000 pages currently There is a name for this is called legalism, plain and simple. They want to (and have in many cases) made EVERYTHING illegal.

"Everything Hitler did was Legal" - Martin Luther King

You MUST begin to put things into 2 categories, NEEDS and WANTS. Dave Ramsey is the modern day mouthpiece for fiscal sanity in my personal opinion. I found him after I was already debt free, but I wish someone would have forced his teachings upon me much earlier, as he is a breath of fresh air for anyone that thinks they have no choices or options left. He preaches fiscal sanity, and makes you understand that it's not YOUR money, you merely manage it for a higher power, whether that be Christ (Which he believes in), Allah, Buddha or whatever you wish to believe in.

Until you push away all debt, and until you see the Liberal advance upon us, you have no way to fight back. You are being taxed and charged slowly. Laws are orchestrated to achieve maximum profits for corporations and Govts slowly so there isn't a revolt. The same thing is being done right now with Gun Control.

They want to push restrictions, registration and taxes on you. They want to impose codes and laws everywhere to remove your ability to revolt in any significant way. They want you defenseless against the Hammer that is called Government. This hammer drives its will upon you, it drives up taxes, and derives it's power from the sweat of your brow and it gains significant power from the sheep that do what they are told, no... trained to do, without asking questions.

Government is not always a bad thing, but your founding fathers had the foresight to let you know you had the right to abolish it if it became destructive, harmful or otherwise unproductive. I and many would agree our Govt has become all of these things. It harms you by socializing everything and removing your incentive to be productive, it harms you when it taxes your labor to the point where you no longer see the fruits of your labor, and it is obviously the most unproductive since the 1940's according to the reports on the 112th congress.

Review the 5 Rules I stated above, cancel your account with any company that doesn't give you the best rates. Take away their power to influence you financially and you can make clear, concise and informed decisions. Your freedom comes at the price of you taking the time to make informed decisions. If you are unwilling to take a few minutes and investigate whether you get the best rates on your cable, your cell phone, or even a car loan, what makes you think you have any chance against a tyrannical govt? Be proactive, and stop playing their games. Ask yourself... are you Mad Yet?

Audio to this Article can be found here:

"Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism" Thomas Jefferson

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